What makes it even crazier is it has been 10 years since the y2k scare, I visited California for the first time, I graduated from high school, and I moved away from home went to college... Part of me thinks that it really doesn't seem like it's been 10 years. But when I try to think about what I was doing back then, what I was thinking about, what I hoped to be when "I grew up" I realize it really has been 10 years.
If you would have asked me in 2000 where I would be in 10 years my answer would be: a clothing buyer definitely not working for my dad anymore. I would be married by 24 with 2 children living in San Francisco and very, very happy.
However, today I am working for my father by day and jewelry artist by early morning and night. I am single at 28 but dating a wonderful man, childless and technically petless, STILL living in Atlanta (but finally visited SF this year), and still figuring out what I want to be "when I grow up." But I have to say, I am very very happy where I am right now walking into 2010.
I said I wouldn't post until the new year, but I couldn't resist. All of this has got me thinking and when I get all thoughtful I think it should record it in history! (it doesn't happen all THAT often!)
Before I really sign off until the new year I wanted to let you all know that I have some very exciting new designs that I will be releasing in the new year. And here's a little sneak peak of one idea:

Here are also some future gum drops rings.

I hope you all have a very happy new year!