c h r i s t i n a k o b e r d e s i g n s

it begins with a twinkle in your eye and butterflies in your tummy. you wish for it, you need it, you have to have it. it’s a little splurge that satisfies your craving. it’s something so perfect, you can’t live without it. it’s not just something for your neck, ears, fingers or wrists. it’s an expression of who you are that adds a sparkle that is only you. it’s your signature necklace you wear every day. it’s the delectable ring you wear for an extraordinary night.

its christina kober designs

08 December 2009

i have been inspired...

I have been inspired by Joanna Goddard's blog a cup of jo. Her blog is a daily must read for me. Last week she started her yearly gift guide, which is cool in of itself. But what i loved and was inspired by, is that it is for geared toward the gifts she will be giving to people in her life. So one day she focuses on her mother, the next on her sister, then her husband, I think you get the picture. It really isn't your normal guide. Well, at least I think so, I haven't been around the blogging world that much yet!

So I am going to do the same to help me make a list of gifts {realistic and not} for my family and friends, and maybe it will help you in your holiday shopping as well!

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