c h r i s t i n a k o b e r d e s i g n s

it begins with a twinkle in your eye and butterflies in your tummy. you wish for it, you need it, you have to have it. it’s a little splurge that satisfies your craving. it’s something so perfect, you can’t live without it. it’s not just something for your neck, ears, fingers or wrists. it’s an expression of who you are that adds a sparkle that is only you. it’s your signature necklace you wear every day. it’s the delectable ring you wear for an extraordinary night.

its christina kober designs

26 December 2009

and the winner is ...

Merry Belated Christmas!

I apologize for my absentee post yesterday. I ended up taking Christmas off: no email, no blog, no etsy, no jewelry, I even tried not to talk about jewelry. It was nice to focus on my family, Dan, and my dog, Chloe. It was a wonderfully relaxing day. I hope you had a lovely day also!

I want to thank you all for participating in my advent calendar of promotions, it was a lot more involved than I had anticipated, but because of you all it was very successful. I have to say when I first had the idea, I had this grand notion that I would plan ahead and have all the blogs scheduled the week before, but alas, my procrastination won over and I was furiously blogging each night for the sale the next day. I think I will try to plan ahead next year a little better, and maybe not do SO many sales...maybe I'll drop it down to the 12 days of Christmas...

So know everyone has been dying to know what the final giveaway is and who gets it! I want to remind you all the only people who were entered into the giveaway are those who used the sale codes through out the 24 days. I'm not going to wait any longer to share ...

The winner is : Patti Mason

The prize : $50 gift certificate to ANYTHING from Christina Kober Designs

Congratulations Patti! I will email you shortly to verify the best shipping address!

I am signing off until the new year! xoxo

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