c h r i s t i n a k o b e r d e s i g n s

it begins with a twinkle in your eye and butterflies in your tummy. you wish for it, you need it, you have to have it. it’s a little splurge that satisfies your craving. it’s something so perfect, you can’t live without it. it’s not just something for your neck, ears, fingers or wrists. it’s an expression of who you are that adds a sparkle that is only you. it’s your signature necklace you wear every day. it’s the delectable ring you wear for an extraordinary night.

its christina kober designs

09 October 2009

happy weekend

The weather doesn't look very promising for my show on Saturday. But by the looks of the sky right now I'm really hopefully the radar is just wrong! :)

Things to come next week on my blog:

Monday or Tuesday: photos from my trip to NY...a little belated

Wednesday: because I love shopping so much I thought it would be fun to have a weekly blog post where I pick out an outfit I either own or wish to own. this way I am not spending the money on something new but I am sharing the outfit with others... and I can rediscover things in my closet! Brilliant!

Thursday: I will be posting some new items on my etsy shop the next few weeks. I have finished my handwritten initial and am finally ready to share! And I also have some new designs that are coming to fruition.

Friday: an update on my 28 resolutions

(i'm hopeful I will stay on schedule!)

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